Care Partner Education Classes
Care education classes for families living with a loved one living with dementia.
A variety of classes are offered to provide essential knowledge and skills for individuals who care for others or are partners in care. Classes are free.
Savvy Caregiver™ is an evidence-based psychoeducational training program that involves a 12-hour course (6 weeks – 2 hour per week) for family caregivers of persons living with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias. Savvy aims to provide family caregivers with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to carry out the caregiving role. Savvy introduces a caregiving decision-making model and emphasizes the need for caregiver self-care.
Dealing With Dementia
Dealing with Dementia (DWD) is a four-hour workshop, paired with the comprehensive Dealing with Dementia guide, a detailed workbook designed to help you navigate the unique challenges of caring for someone with dementia. Learn how to better understand dementia, manage problem behaviors, handle stress, and find more time for yourself. Instructor: Area Agency on Aging, Dementia Care Specialist
Dementia Friends Training
A Dementia Friend is someone who, through viewing a series of online videos or attending a live interactive session, learns about what it’s like to live with dementia and then turns that understanding into action. From telling friends about the Dementia Friends program to visiting someone who is living with dementia, every action counts. Instructor: Area Agency on Aging, Dementia Care Specialist.

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